Hello !

This is my portfolio showcasing all my skill set & projects in the digital enterprise world.

Full Name: Manoj Chaurasiya

Designation Associate Architect - Technology

Organisation Incture Technologies, Bangalore

Experience: 9 Year


Hi, I Love website as this is the only profession I am involved from last 9 years. I love code and I do have a strong knowledge on web technologies. I use HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ES6, jQuery, Bootstrap, JSON, Ajax, SAPUI5, Fiori, Angularjs and PWA etc. for UI development. Serverside I use Nodejs, Java, Jersey API,Tomcat and Back-end I use My-SQL, MongoDB and Firebase.
- Define Best Practice and creating UI reusable component to fit the digital enterprise application.

DB Explorer

Automate the Jee Restfull service along with following features are available.

Dynamic UI Generator

Automate the UI for the application along with integration of Restfull services.

Dynamic Report Framework

Automate the Reporting UI for the application along with integration of Restfull services.

ToDo App

ToDo Application based on: Angularjs

Github App

Github Application based on: Reactjs and github api

Firebase App - Threeway data binding

Angular 4 and Firebase - Examples App

MySociety App

Society App for Apartment maintainance solution

Learn Angular - Step by step

Learn Angular - Step by step: Cover from beginner to expert and examples

Future of javascript

JavaScript: In depth of OOPS, ES6, TypeScript and Inheritance and Design Patterns.

Reactjs: Lets start

Reactjs: Cover the functional programming and examples

Any Consultation?

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question regarding web development, javascript design-patterns and related topic, I accept any feedback and general question.Can visit my blog. RIA Consultant's Blog
