This is my portfolio showcasing all my skill set & projects in the digital enterprise world.
Hi, I Love website as this is the only profession I am involved from last 9 years. I love code and I do have a strong knowledge on web technologies.
I use HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, ES6, jQuery, Bootstrap, JSON, Ajax, SAPUI5, Fiori, Angularjs and PWA etc. for UI development.
Serverside I use Nodejs, Java, Jersey API,Tomcat and Back-end I use My-SQL, MongoDB and Firebase.
- Define Best Practice and creating UI reusable component to fit the digital enterprise application.
This section will showcase the latest opensource projects I'm working on and a brief description.
This section will showcase the latest opensource book I'm working on and a brief description.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question regarding web development, javascript design-patterns and related topic, I accept any feedback and general question.Can visit my blog. RIA Consultant's Blog